SEB, Tarsier och Neo4j växlar upp för en jämställd IT-bransch med Pink Programming

Med endast 5% kvinnliga utvecklare i Sverige är det allt fler företag som förstår vikten av att främja en jämställd IT-bransch. SEB, Tarsier Studios och Neo4j är tre företag som tar nästa steg och blir huvudsponsorer för Pink Programming – Sveriges största ideella nätverk för kvinnliga utvecklare. Tillsammans med 12 sponsorer planerar organisationen för en fullspäckad vår av kodträffar för kvinnor, trans- och icke-binära personer.

Love drives change

Love drives change

This Sunday we have the pleasure of meeting Jun and her brave story about how she moved from Korea to Gothenburg in the name of love, but moreover, how she fell in love again, this time with Data Science.

As an enthusiast passionate about growth, Jun has conquered many territories in terms of knowledge, and when she thought it was enough, she learned about the power of data. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering from the University of Californa, and back in Korea, Jun had worked as an Innovation Manager for the biggest beer company in the world, leading and designing three commercial product launches in Northern Asian markets. In Korea, Jun met her soulmate and let herself be driven by love. She decided to start a new adventure, following her boyfriend to Sweden.

Become a Pink Volunteer!

Do you want to inspire women and non binary to start programming?

Perfect, you’ve come to the right place! We are now looking for more volunteers to join our Programming Sunday teams in Malmö, Stockholm and Gothenburg this fall. We’re also looking for volunteers to join the teams that work with sponsor contact and social activities within the organization.